Endometriosis Events is a registered charity for individuals living with endometriosis. Join our journey as we raise awareness by providing workshops, school programs, support groups and events in Canada for the 1 in 10 affected.
We aim to create a positive space where #endowarriors are feeling empowered and their stories are being heard. We hope our advocacy will encourage an open dialogue and make an impact on the critical issues of this condition.
Charity Number: 78766 9704 RR0001
School Programs and Workshops for youth and adults
Contact us to book Endometriosis Events at your school for a FREE ENDOcation Workshop
An informative discussion around endometriosis
Shared personal lived experience with charity co-founders
Specific knowledge about the importance of menstrual health and physical & mental well-being
The importance of self-advocacy
A hands on art therapy, tea blending, journal decorating or breathwork & meditation workshop
On October 19th, 2023 our Endometriosis Awareness Action Petition was tabled by MPP Jill Andrew, Toronto St-Paul's at Queen's Park.
Thank you to all the Petition Partners for collecting over 1000 signatures and thank you to those who signed the petition.
If you have any questions about Endometriosis Events please do not hesitate to reach out. We would be more than happy to address any of your questions, comments, or concerns.